Protecting Your Children from the Summer Heat

little kids swimming in pool underwater

Protecting Your Children from the Summer Heat

Summer is the time for fun, holidays, swimming and being outdoors for most people, including your children. Children are especially at risk of sunburn and heatstroke since they’re often having too much fun to notice symptoms until it’s too late. Making your child aware of the dangers of too much sun is the first step toward protecting them, as is teaching them how to keep themselves safe in extreme summer weather. Here are some other tips to help you and your children stay cool in a heatwave.

Drink Up

It’s important to stay hydrated all year round, but especially in the heat of summer. If you’re feeling thirsty, it’s a good sign that you’re already dehydrated, so remind your kids to drink plenty of cool water at regular intervals, even if they don’t feel like drinking.

Cover Up

Slather your children in a broad-spectrum SPF 50+ sunscreen at least 20 minutes before they go outside, and make sure they wear a hat that covers the face, neck and ears. Dress them in thin, light-coloured clothing that’s loose, comfortable and had good coverage. Stick to natural fibres such as linen and cotton.

Stay Indoors

It can be hard during the school holidays but try to keep your children indoors and out of the sun between 11am and 3pm when the sun is at its most fierce. Find some sort of entertainment in an air-conditioned room such as movies, video games, or something else that keeps them from running around too much and overheating.

Go Swimming

One of the best ways to keep your children, and yourself, cool is to go swimming. Stay mindful of the sun and use a water-resistant broad-spectrum sunscreen, making sure to reapply every two hours. If possible, swim in the shade and everyone can get some exercise while having fun and staying cool.

Pool Heating Options

At Australian Energy Systems, we install pool heating solutions that can make your pool available for swimming all year round, which means your children can even swim in winter when the summer heat is over. Call us on 1800 243 847, or contact us online for more information about our wide range of pool heating solutions, as well as our pool covers.


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